You know those little paper cards that seem to come with just about everything you buy, asking you to register your [insert misc. item here]? And normally you toss them (along with the instructions you neglected to read). We can’t speak for every company, but registering your products, especially your Seakeeper, can come with some great benefits!
If you want to skip all the reasons you should register your Seakeeper and just get to it already, no problem, click here. You’re ahead of the class!
We thought that list of perks might spark an interest! Registering your Seakeeper is easy, but make sure you come prepared with your proof of purchase and your serial number! You can find your serial number on the info page of your 5” Seakeeper Display screen.
First, navigate to the registration page on our website, through the warranty page, or better yet, just click here. Then, it’s just a matter of adding some more information about your Seakeeper, where you purchased it, and a few details about your boat and where you live. And just like that, you’re registered! Now get out there and enjoy your Seakeeper-stabilized boat!